Saturday, February 20, 2010

Two Shows With 100 Monkeys in the Midwest

And we though the next time we'd see their lovely faces would be in April, turns out, they're coming to our neck of the woods!

Chicago Show (March 5th): TICKETS HERE


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Recording Third EP or LP?????

Tomorrow we begin the initial stages of working on our next batch of recordings. We're taking a trip out west to Dusty's house for some very early bass n drum takes.

We have about eight songs and we really dig all of them, so hopefully the entire group will be on our next EP/LP. Two songs we've played before: Marie Antoinette and What Fireworks? The rest are all brand spanking new. Hope to get them up as soon as possible.

Also, Quencher's show in Chicago on Feb 19th, it's free. Click on HERE for a map.


Free Chicago Show @ Quencher's Saloon