Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spencer Bell Legacy Concert in Dallas

Wow, what an event. I suppose we should begin by thanking people, namely: Shannon Edwards, Chau, Suzy, Bill Bell, Dr. Hammer, 100 Monkeys, The Stevedores, Kissing Club, Drew and the Medicinal Pen and Evro!!

We can say, with much enthusiasm, that this was the most fun we have ever had playing music. It's not everyday friends, family and an awesome power outage can come together in such a perfect storm. Thanks everyone, can't wait for August. Happy Trails!

Don't forget to continue the much needed support for Adrenal Cancer Research. Make a donation here: https://www.kintera.org/site/c.kwKTJdNVJrF/b.4340155/k.872E/Give_Online/apps/s/custom.asp?msource=ucCode:cancer-adrenal


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mini Tour Begins Next Week!

Hello Everyone,

On the long road to celebrate the Legacy that is Spencer Bell, we will make a few stops ( both coming and going). We hope to see your lovely faces at at least one if not all of them!!! Okay so here are the shows/venues and supporting acts:

April 22 - 8:00 PM - Little Rock, Arkansas - Town Pump W/ Adam Faucett, Frown Pow'r, Brother Andy and his big damn mouth.

April 23 - 8:00 PM - Dallas, Texas - Poor David's Pub W/100 Monkeys, The Stevedores

April 24 - 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM - Dallas, Texas - Spencer Bell Legacy Concert W/100 Monkeys, The Stevedores, The Kissing Club, Drew and the Medicinal Pen and Evro

April 25 - 9:00 PM - Carbondale, IL - PK's W/Secondary Modern and TBA

Pics + Vid will be taken and Myk from The Nothingheads will be joining us for our short but fun-filled voyage, Onwards!!!!


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